Echo Mountain Uphill Access Policy
Echo Mountain is on posted Private Property.
Please respect the closure.
We have a lot going on across the mountain with equipment on the hill, snow removal, snowmaking repairs / testing, and more. Our cameras are pretty good at catching trespassers.
Trespassing will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law so please don't make us have our friends at the Clear Creek County Sheriff's office await your return to your car.
The Echo Mountain uphill access policy is intended to educate users about the risks of these activities.
Echo Mountain permits uphill traffic with limited restrictions. However, there are guidelines that all uphill users must follow to promote safety and to minimize conflicts between mountain operations including but not limited to: grooming operations, snowmobile traffic, other vehicles, downhill skiers/riders, and any other activities that might be taking place at any time on the mountain, day and night.
Uphill access is an activity that Echo Mountain supports in the interest of increasing the enjoyment of the snow sports industry. Echo Mountain thanks users in advance for your cooperation in following these guidelines which enhance enjoyment of the mountain experience.
Uphill users are considered skiers under the Colorado Ski Safety Act and are required to adhere to the laws stated in the act and the specific items located within the skier’s responsibility code. The Colorado Skier Safety Act is available to all online.
Ticket policy:
- The uphill access ticket is available at the guest service desk during normal business operating hours.
Season pass holders may add Uphill Access to their current Echo Ski and Snowboard Season Pass for $50.
Non-Season Pass holders can purchase an Uphill Access season’s pass for $99.
- Day Use Uphill Access passes are available for $20.
- Users will be required to sign the general liability waiver that includes uphill travel.
- Uphill Access armbands shall be picked up at the front desk, and worn at all times when accessing the ski area with the following acceptable uphill type equipment: AT gear, Nordic, split-board, and snowshoe.
- Uphill guests must have ski or snowboard equipment to descend the mountain- No snowshoeing only is allowed
- Foot traffic is prohibited
- All sledding devices are prohibited
- Uphill Access armband must be visible at all times
Uphill Use Guidelines:
- Be visible when ascending! The ski area conducts operations on the mountain 24 hours a day - before, during, and after the ski season. Users may encounter snowcats, winch cats, winch cables, snowmobiles, trucks, skiers/riders and other types of operations at any time.
- Respect all closures, warning signs and ropes at all times. Never enter a closed trail or area.
- Designated uphill routes are only available during standard operating hours weekdays from 10:00am-4:30pm, and weekends from 9:00am-4:30pm. *Hours Depend On Time of Season and Will Be Subject to Change*
- Designated uphill routes are marked by a yellow diamond shaped marker with a black arrow.
- Be aware of others on the mountain and remain visible from above at all times.
- Keep your uphill access ticket visible at all times and be willing to stop and produce it whenever asked by resort personnel.
- Always wear reflective clothing visible from all directions, such as a vest, armband, belt, reflective clothing or pack, headlamp, flashing bike light, etc.
- Groups, defined as more than one skier, shall travel in single file.
- Baby carriers of any type are prohibited.
- Dogs are prohibited on the mountain.
Closures, Mountain Operations & Rules:
- Uphill users must obey all signs, warnings, and closures. Winch cat operations are identified by an orange sign near the anchor point and a blue flashing warning light on the winch-cat. Other snowcats use an orange light. Do not under any circumstances ski/ride near any snowcats or grooming operations. Just because you can easily see a snowcat, doesn’t mean that the operator can see you.
- It is unlawful to board any of the lifts without a valid lift ticket or season pass. Anyone utilizing uphill access privileges to access mountain lifts without a valid lift ticket or pass will be subject to the loss of all pass privileges at the resort for an extended period and may be prosecuted for theft and trespassing under Colorado law.
- If user decides to leave the ski area boundary, users are responsible for understanding risks. User may not enter, leave or re-enter the ski area by using a closed area, including marked USFS boundary closures.
- Ski patrol services are not available outside of operating hours. Call 911 in case of emergency. Cell service may be spotty or unavailable and rescue may be lengthy.
- Echo Mountain reserves the right to prohibit Uphill Access at any time due to special events, weather, or for any other reason deemed necessary by Echo Mountain administration.
- During the ski season, uphill users will park in the regular parking area.
- If Uphill Access users desire to park in a designated pull-off area along CO-103, they must be extra conscious to clearly display Uphill Access armband, so as not to be mistaken for trespassers.
- No Uphill Access is permitted outside of operating hours. Per the above, trespassers will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Routes: 2 routes are provided to uphill users at Echo Mountain.
- Route A Full-Send: Users travel to the far east rope line, forest on the climber's left. Stay within 2 meters of the rope line to your left. Travel to the lodge and exit.
- Route B Golddigger: Users will travel uphill via Golddigger, staying within 2 meters of the boundary rope line & forest on climber's right. Route curves east and you will enter into Upper Hollywood, remain against the rope line to the top.