Friends and Family of Echo,

Let me start off by saying a huge thank you to everyone for their support and well-wishes at the end of last season and since. We're stoked to have such a strong community supporting our little mountain and all that we're trying to do, and we're grateful you've been so eager to join us for the 2020-2021 Winter Season.

Our team has been hard at work this off-season navigating the unpredictability of the season ahead, but we know a couple of things for sure. We cannot wait to get back on skis, snowboards, and tubes. We can't wait to see faces, familiar and new, that are brought together through a sense of adventure, passion, and community. We can't wait to carve through some fresh cord, hoot and holler through powder, take a deep breath on the chairlift, and clear our heads and hearts of the craziness of the world.

As the season draws nearer, conversations have ramped up about how exactly we can make this season not just another great one, but our best yet all despite the challenges we face. While we know a lot of details may still change at the direction of local, state, and federal authorities, we feel like we have a pretty strong handle on some changes we can implement to accomplish that goal.

Please view our Winter Operating Plan to get an idea of some of what to expect when you're expecting to shred. As always, let us know what you think. We can't wait to see you back at Echo Mountain for the 2020-2021 Season.

Fred Klaas, GM Echo Mntn